rules and guideline for PLUR events.

venue rules
  • 18 to party, 21 to drink, no exceptions. if you do not have an ID please don’t try to get into the event.
  • Arrive early for the to catch the open decks and cop merch before it sells out.
  • Are you not feeling well, a temperature above 98.7 degrees,please stay home.
  • to enter venue, only ticket holders will be allowed, No sales at the door unless you’re a PLUR member. Printed and or digital tickets only. please present your QR code on your ticket.
  • Please pay attention to the environment within the venue. If you see someone acting suspicious or violent please tell event staff member immediately.
What time should we arrive for events?
  • Each ticketed event will have the listed time of when the event starts and change depending on the event held at the venue. Door open 1 hour before first music set.
What am I allowed to bring into the venue?
  • See a complete list of Acceptable & Prohibited Items below.
What if I lost my ID or it is Expired?
  • We will accept expired IDs if you have a DMV renewal form.. We accept passports, driver license, and or non driver identification issued by your state.
What if I am not feeling well the day of the event?
  • If you are feeling under the weather, achy or in pain, no problem, stay home. we will have another event in the following weeks so when you are top notch join us.
Prohibited Items
  • guns, firearms, knives
  • alchohol, its available at the bar
  • illicit drugs
  • cannabis consumption is allowed outside the venue in the garden area
  • drinks and food are for sale at the bar
  • camel backs
  • pepper spray and or self defense items, if you end up bringing it leave it in the car or check it at the coat check
  • tools
  • items that are flammable
  • magic markers
  • No Cigarettes or Vapes (no smoking inside the venue)
  • Hydration packs such as camel back or similar
  • hoops, poi, levi-wands flow packs
  • Gum
Accepted Items
  • festive dress encouraged
  • vape pens
  • lipstick and makeup
  • cannabis consumption is allowed outside the venue in the garden area
  • gum
  • hydration pack suck as camel back but must be empty upon entry. fill up at the bar.
  • good vibes
  • optimistic attitude
  • small handbags and or fanny packs
  • hoops, poi, levi-wands flow packs
  • Gum
What types of ID do I need?
  • You must present identification to enter the venue and/or buy alcohol. See the complete list of acceptable and unacceptable forms of ID.
Info on Accessability
  • General:
  • At PLUR Presents we strive to make the venue and all immenities accessible to all participants regardless of their physical shape. those with disabilities should feel comfortable with the environment. If you have any recommendations pleas send us a message. Staff is there to help. So if you are having an issue getting to the restroom, bar or finding an exit please ask us and we will help.
  • Contact Us:
  • If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or concerns about accessibility at our venue please contact us at We are committed to continually improving the festival experience for our Headliners with disabilities.
Parking and public transportation
  • nearest metro North is the Beacon Station
Costume Rules
  • Anything goes with modesty, remember that we are inclusive so we will not allow costumes which misrepresent certain folks.